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Dingfeng Capacitor---Principle of Capacitor

publisherAlice Yang


Dingfeng Capacitor------Principle of Capacitor

It is a device used to store charge in an electrical circuit
An every day use

To remove sparking in the ignition system of an automobile. When an electric current is switched on or off there is an induced current which can create sparking. If we put a capacitor in the circuit this current charges the capacitor instead and this will avoid occurrence of sparking.

Charge is proportional to potential

When a charge is given to a conductor its potential rises. If we give a conductor a charge Q then its potential rises. The greater the charge the greater the potential. So they are proprotional to each other and may be exepressed as

Q ∝ V

Which means that charge Q is directly proportional to potential V or that the potential is directly proportional to the charge given to a conductor
We can re-write this as the following equation
Q = C V

Here C is the capacitance of the conductor

Factors determining Capacitance

1. Shape and size of the conductor
2. The surrounding medium
3. Presence of other conductors
We can re-write the equation as:

As one of the earliest capacitor manufacturers engaged in producing capacitor for over 27 years in china , we believe one day Dingfeng Capacitor will exist in every corner of the world by means of its reliable quality and good reputation. By the way,Dingfeng sincerely welcomes all the friend to visit our company and hopes to have a good communication and double-win partnership with all of you cause dingfeng capacitor is always on the way to be better! Your views are the driving forces of DingfengI hereby on behalf of all the members of Dingfeng, thank all of you for the long-term supporting and concerning of our growth.

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If you have any question about our company or dingfeng capacitor, pls contact us:

Foreign trade : RubyLiu

Mobile: +86 15058285099

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